2016 train timetables from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and 2016 train fares from Bangkok to Chiang Mai Trains from Bangkok to Chiang Mai are run in 5 classes as follows: Third class seating fan cooled Second class seating fan cooled Second class seating air condition Second class sleeper fan cooled (upper and lower birth) Second class sleeper air condition (upper and lower birth) First class sleeper air condition (upper and lower birth) Travel time varies between 11-15 hours depending on which type of train is taken. Train timetables from Chiang Mai to Bangkok
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Train Suspended at Mae Kong Train Market For 6 months
The Mae Klong Train market has long been a fascinating and unique sight! the market vendors line up either side of a working rail line and have encroached so close to the track that their their stalls and wares will be damaged and crushed if a train passes, however the market vendors have developed some unique and novel ways of sliding and rolling back their canopies of their stalls and their produce from the oncoming train. Over the last few years this site has become a major attraction and now…
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This is the market which sets up across a working train Line. Just watch what happens when the scheduled train passes through.
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